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2024-09-15 15:34

Taudi Conserve


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Tuna Fishing in Sicily: Tradition and Sustainability Tuna fishing in Sicily is an ancient tradition rooted in the history of the

Artigiani siciliani al lavoro durante il confezionamento a mano delle conserve in una cucina tradizionale.

Traditional Fishing Techniques

The tuna fishing in Sicily is an ancient tradition that has its roots in the island's history. This fishing method is not just an economic activity, but a true cultural heritage that has shaped the life of many coastal communities. Over the centuries, fishing techniques have evolved, but the essence and passion for the sea remain unchanged. Let's discover how tuna fishing is practiced in Sicily, the techniques used, and the importance of sustainability in this sector.

I consigli del nostro Chef per una Caponata perfetta

Tuna fishing in Sicily mainly takes place through two traditional techniques: "mattanza" and fixed net fishing.


Mattanza: Mattanza is an ancient technique that involves the use of large nets called "tonnare," placed in the sea to intercept tuna schools during their migration. Fishermen drive the tuna towards a closed area where they are captured. This practice, although fascinating for its ritual, is now less common due to environmental concerns and the decline in tuna stocks.


Fixed Nets: Fixed nets, or "muciare," are anchored to the seabed and form a barrier that directs the tuna towards a final compartment where they are caught. This technique is considered more sustainable than mattanza and is still used in some areas of the island.

Artigiani siciliani al lavoro durante il confezionamento a mano delle conserve in una cucina tradizionale.

Abbinamenti con vini e altre delizie siciliane

La Caponata di Verdure si abbina perfettamente con il vino rosso, come il Nero d'Avola o il Cerasuolo di Vittoria, ma anche con un vino bianco fresco e fruttato, come il Grillo o l'Inzolia. Inoltre, la Caponata di Verdure può essere servita come antipasto o come contorno per accompagnare la carne o il pesce.

Scopri la nostra Caponata di Verdure e lasciati trasportare dal sapore dell'estate in Sicilia

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